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I-vibromotor ye-T8 ye-BlackBerry KEY2

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I-vibromotor ye-T8 ye-BlackBerry KEY2
Iminyanisa umsebenzi wokudlidliza kwi-smartphone KEY2.

I-Vibromotor (isidlidliza) seBlackBerry KEY2, ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula. Yenza umsebenzi wokuxwayisa we-vibration ngezilungiselelo ezifanele zamaphrofayela womsindo we-smartphone.

Uma i-vibrator ilimele ku-BlackBerry, into yokuqala umsebenzisi wezaziso ze-— yiyona "imodi ye-vibro". Lokhu, okuyiqiniso, akuyona into ephazamisayo: ezindaweni lapho izixwayiso zomsindo azikwazi ukusetshenziselwa, ukukhululwa okuwukuphela kokuqapha okudlidliza. Kulokhu, lesi sici sidinga ukushintshwa. Funda kabanzi: Ukukhipha isidlidlizi.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
  • Materials and fabric: metal or metal alloy
  • Product type:
Price:  $13
Product code: VIBROM-T8

I-vibromotor ye-T8 ye-BlackBerry KEY2

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry KEY2