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Isixwa motor inhlangano (isidlidlizi Motor) T7 ngoba BlackBerry KEYone

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Isixwa motor inhlangano (isidlidlizi Motor) T7 ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
Nokobana umsebenzi ku-smartphone dlidliza yakho KEYone.

Vibration motor (isidlidlizi) ngoba BlackBerry KEYone, izingxenye zokuqala sokuphumula. It wenza umsebenzi vibration isaziso uma usetha ezifanele amaphrofayli umsindo smartphone.

Uma kwenzeka umonakalo isidlidlizi BlackBerry Into yokuqala uqaphela imodi yomsebenzisi — akusebenzi "vibration". Yiqiniso, ungakhululekile: ezindaweni lapho izaziso umsindo angasetshenziswa hhayi, insindiso kuphela kuyinto sokudlikiza. Kulokhu, lesi sici idinga ukushintshwa. Yekuchumana: Ukukhipha isidlidlizi.

Kufakiwe esikrinini kuthabathela ecaleni ezingemuva esebenzisa izinhlobo ezimbili + PH00 ngezikulufo.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
  • Materials and fabric: metal or metal alloy
  • Product type:
Price:  $9
Product code: VIBROM-T7

Isixwa motor inhlangano (isidlidlizi Motor) T7 ngoba BlackBerry KEYone

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry KEYone