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C-M2 Battery (ikhophi) for BlackBerry

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C-M2 Battery (ikhophi) for BlackBerry
Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye isiphelile phansi, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. ehlukile ezingenziwa ukuze ibhethri original.

C-M2 Battery (ikhophi) BlackBerry for ezinye models (uhlu oluphelele ukuhambisana, bheka ngezansi). Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye isiphelile phansi, kanye nokunikeza inqolobane replaceable.

Imininingwane engeziwe — ibhethri into Irreplaceable kubantu ngenkuthalo besebenzisa smartphone, kanye yebhizinisi, ikakhulukazi uma uneshaja for ibhethri.

ikhophi High-izinga ibhethri BlackBerry C-M2 — engabizi I original C-M2 Battery BlackBerry ehlukile. Non-original amabhethri BlackBerry (amakhophi) — amabhethri ezivezwa izinkampani ezingaziwa, njengoba umthetho, e China. Ikhophi ibhethri ihlala ezincane, Ukuboshelwa elibonisa level ibhetri (uma balance ophethe 20% of the phone kungenziwa inqanyuliwe). Lokhu ukubukeka siyefana ikhophi yokuqala, lapho sikhetha BlackBerry battery kufanele baqaphele ngokukhethekile. Khumbula ukuthi akuwona wonke amakhophi efanayo, kukhona quality kancane, futhi kukhona ngaphezulu ukubukeka kwabo efanayo. Siye akhethiwe ngawe the best in ikhophi izinga ibhethri original.

Lokhu Li-Ion (Li-Ion) ibhetri igcina nabaningi icala umlilo uze uphele du imijikelezo, inezinga eliphansi self-discharge (uma ibhethri lingasebenzi), futhi kwamukelekile "dozaryazhat", ngisho noma cha lingashajwa ngokuphelele. Nokho, sicela uqaphele ukuthi ukuze kufezwe ngomthamo usuwonke ibhethri, ekuqaleni ukusebenza kwawo Kunconywa 2-3 imijikelezo sokukhishwa okugcwele nezikhwepha icala. Futhi uma uhlela isikhathi eside hhayi ukusebenzisa lithium-ion battery, zikhokhisa yona ezingeni 70% of the esitsheni 1 per izinyanga 6–9.

Umthamo washo 900 mah ukuthi we ibhethri original. Akudingi reprogramming imisebenzi, ungaqala ukusebenzisa lolu ikhophi ibhethri-C-M2 ngokushesha.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $4
Product code: BATT-CM2-C

C-M2 Battery (ikhophi) for BlackBerry

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 8230
  • BlackBerry 8220
  • BlackBerry 8130
  • BlackBerry 8120
  • BlackBerry 8110
  • BlackBerry 8100