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Corporate high-umthamo webhethri D-X1, okuyinto akudingi ikhava eyengeziwe Seidio Innocell Extended Battery for BlackBerry

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Corporate high-umthamo webhethri D-X1, okuyinto akudingi ikhava eyengeziwe Seidio Innocell Extended Battery for BlackBerry
Ibhethri esikahle kakhulu BlackBerry abasebenzayo! Musa ukwandisa umthamo smartphone yakho, akudingi ikhava eyengeziwe kanye nesembozo ekhethekile. izinga Brand.

Corporate high-umthamo webhethri D-X1, okuyinto akudingi ikhava eyengeziwe Seidio Innocell Extended Battery for BlackBerry bandise nokuphila smartphone yakho, ngaphandle okwandisa umthamo yayo!

A izinga battery yenkampani Japanese owaziwa Seidio 1700mAh umthamo, kuqinisekisa ukusebenza onokwethenjelwa nokuphila isikhathi eside. Inzuzo esibalulekile salesi ibhethri ukuthi unawo lomqulu smartphone yakho. Lokhu kusho ukuthi akudingi cover ezahlukene kanye nesembozo ekhethekile: ungaqhubeka ukusebenzisa imuphi usayizi standard izesekeli!

Lokhu Li-Ion (Li-Ion) ibhetri igcina nabaningi icala umlilo uze uphele du imijikelezo, inezinga eliphansi self-discharge (uma ibhethri lingasebenzi), futhi kwamukelekile "dozaryazhat", ngisho noma cha lingashajwa ngokuphelele. Nokho, sicela uqaphele ukuthi ukuze kufezwe ngomthamo usuwonke ibhethri, ekuqaleni ukusebenza kwawo Kunconywa 2-3 imijikelezo sokukhishwa okugcwele nezikhwepha icala. Futhi uma uhlela isikhathi eside hhayi ukusebenzisa lithium-ion battery, zikhokhisa ezingeni 70% umthamo 1 isikhathi in izinyanga 6-9.

Seidio Innocell Extended Battery — ibhethri esikahle kakhulu BlackBerry abasebenzayo! Jabulela ukusebenza oncomekayo smartphone yakho eside!

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $69
Product code: BASI17BBX6

Corporate high-umthamo webhethri D-X1, okuyinto akudingi ikhava eyengeziwe Seidio Innocell Extended Battery for BlackBerry

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9650
  • BlackBerry 9630
  • BlackBerry 9550
  • BlackBerry 9530
  • BlackBerry 9520
  • BlackBerry 9500
  • BlackBerry 8900