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Oluqala lapho sizalwa luphelele Power Station dock BlackBerry

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Oluqala lapho sizalwa luphelele Power Station dock BlackBerry
Ikhwele esiteshini docking futhi ikuvumela ukuba ukukhokhisa BlackBerry — indlela yakho elula umane ufaka smartphone yakho imbeleko.

Ogibele Original Dokha Power Station BlackBerry uMpheme weNsiza yeDeskithophu futhi ikuvumela ukuba ukukhokhisa BlackBerry — indlela yakho elula umane ufaka smartphone yakho imbeleko.

Imfihlo yalezi amashaja ezikhethekile ukuthi BlackBerry athuthukiswe ezengeziwe amandla oxhumana, futhi waziletha engxenyeni engezansi yomzimba. Ngakho, ngokufaka smart phone in thuluzi, wayihlukumeza kakhulu masinyane, iqala ukushaja — kuyinto elula kakhulu! Okokuqala, akukho amakhebuli extra, futhi okwesibili, ukuze agqoke imbeleko ukushaja ifoni ngokushesha izikhathi eziningana ukwedlula ikhebula le-USB singene plug-isixhumi. Phakathi ukushaja, ifoni ingasetshenziswa — ungasebenzisa ifoni isikhulumi, ulalele umculo, ubukele noma amavidiyo ngaphandle balikhipha nasezinguqulweni ishaja!

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $18

Oluqala lapho sizalwa luphelele Power Station dock BlackBerry

Product variants and codes:

  • 9000 Bold, Black ASY-12743-004
  • 8100/8120/8130 Pearl, Black ASY-12743-001
  • 8300/8310/8320 Ijika, Black ASY-12743-003

ASY-12743-003 this product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 8330
  • BlackBerry 8320
  • BlackBerry 8310
  • BlackBerry 8300

ASY-12743-001 this product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 8130
  • BlackBerry 8120
  • BlackBerry 8110
  • BlackBerry 8100

ASY-12743-004 this product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9000