Original Ukushaja AC Ishaja 550mA for BlackBerry
Original Ukushaja idivayisi Ishaja ye-AC BlackBerry — uguquko lwangempela! Ngenxa Ubukhulu bayo sakugcina, awukwazi nje ukukhokhisa BlackBerry yakho ekhaya, kodwa futhi ukuthatha leli ishaja msebenzi, travel, ezokungcebeleka, futhi ngempela kunoma iyiphi indawo, ngoba isikhwama, kuthatha Linanincane isikhala. 550mA yamanje.
With isamba ezincane of ishaja yamapayipi azigcina zonke izindawo amashaja for BlackBerry — ke ngokushesha futhi enokwethenjelwa umangalela smartphone yakho. With original Ishaja AC Ishaja ungahlala Gcina idivayisi yakho icala futhi ukulungele ukuya, kungakhathaliseki lapho ukhona!
Ngenxa okukhipha jikelele USB-ikhebula, efanelekayo BlackBerry Smartphones kanye Isixhumi microUSB, futhi MiniUSB. Ukuze usebenzise i-ishaja "Micro" ungasebenzisa USB-ikhebula kwahlanganiswa nefoni yakho, noma ukuthenga ilungelo esinalo.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored
- Product type: Charger and its accessories → AC charger
ASY-44303-003USD15 |
Product variants and codes:
This product fits the BlackBerry models: