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I original L-S1 ibhethri BlackBerry

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I original L-S1 ibhethri BlackBerry
Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye uye zehla phezu BlackBerry Z10 futhi BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. izinga Original: ibhethri efanayo iza ngomshini wakho. umthamo webhethri 1800 mah.

I original L-S1 ibhethri BlackBerry Z10 futhi BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design.

Lokhu ibhethri original L-S1 ACC-51546-301 — lena ibhethri elingagunyaziwe kwahlanganiswa ne-smartphone yakho uma uthenga. Lona ukhetho kangcono esikhundleni ibhetri has a umsebenzi omuhle, uma nawe. Ibhethri original libhekene izinga okusezingeni eliphezulu nokuphila isikhathi eside.

Lokhu Li-Ion (Li-Ion) ibhetri igcina nabaningi icala umlilo uze uphele du imijikelezo, inezinga eliphansi self-discharge (uma ibhethri lingasebenzi), futhi kwamukelekile "dozaryazhat", ngisho noma cha lingashajwa ngokuphelele. Nokho, sicela uqaphele ukuthi ukuze kufezwe ngomthamo usuwonke ibhethri, ekuqaleni ukusebenza kwawo Kunconywa 2-3 imijikelezo sokukhishwa okugcwele nezikhwepha icala. Futhi uma uhlela isikhathi eside hhayi ukusebenzisa lithium-ion battery, zikhokhisa ezingeni 70% umthamo 1 isikhathi in izinyanga 6-9.

Umthamo we ibhethri yokuqala 1800 mah, kwanele mayelana 20 amahora zokusebenzela evamile. isisindo original battery mayelana 31,8 amagremu. Imiphumela Test: Ukuqhathanisa amabhethri elishajekayo for BlackBerry Z10 (uhlobo L-S1).

Ideal for esikhundleni ibhethri zehla, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. Imininingwane engeziwe — ibhethri into Irreplaceable kubantu ngenkuthalo besebenzisa smartphone, kanye yebhizinisi, ikakhulukazi kule Ishaja yebhethri i-L-S1 ye-BlackBerry khona.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $33  $16
Product code: BAT-47277-003 (ACC-51546-301)

I original L-S1 ibhethri BlackBerry

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Z10
  • BlackBerry 9982