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Case-emaphaketheni BlackBerry

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Isignesha Isikhumba Case-pocket ngezandla isiqeshana Monaco Mpo / Horisontal esikhwameni Type Isikhumba Case for BlackBerry Q10 / 9983, Black (Black), Portrait (Vertical) Original lesikhumba icala zensimbi-pocket Isikhumba Pocket logo BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch, Black (Black) Isignesha Isikhumba Case-pocket ngezandla isiqeshana Monaco Mpo / Horisontal esikhwameni Type Isikhumba Case for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch, Black (Black), Portrait (Vertical) Isikhumba Case-ephaketheni (ikhophi) for BlackBerry, White (mbala omhlophe) I original lesikhumba icala ephaketheni-Slip Case for BlackBerry Playbook, Black (Black)

Classic accessory for the smartphone — pocket-case. Cases of this type are all time accessories, they often come bundled with the smartphone. Pocket cases are tested for time and have fallen in love with many users as the most convenient. Pockets are characterized by a wealth of design, based on leather or imitation leather. How does the case work is clear from the title: just put the smartphone inside and, when necessary, get it. Most pockets automatically lock the screen and keyboard. See our assortment of pocket cases in this section, and be sure that you will find the model you need! You can also see all products of type Cases for BlackBerry and its components.

Categories of page Case-emaphaketheni BlackBerry

Pocket BlackBerry — izesekeli ethandwa kakhulu sokuvikelwa smartphone. Isikhwama-ephaketheni BlackBerry — kuyisimo Classic ezokwenza kufaneleke kuzo zonke izimo.

Ezimweni eziningi, nasikhwama somphako, nazingubo-ephaketheni BlackBerry has a design sleek futhi umbala eziyisisekelo, lena imfihlo yempumelelo yakhe eside phakathi abasebenzisi futhi ukuhambisana nanoma yimuphi umfanekiso. Kulesi ephaketheni akubukeki nesithukuthezi, ngoba ngomkhiqizo ngamunye lihlotshiswe imininingwane neqondayo stylish: metal logo BlackBerry, embossed lettering BlackBerry, nika umehluko uthunge, onentshisekelo ebusweni ukuthungwa, njll ...

Case-emaphaketheni BlackBerry kufanele kube nomehluko phakathi mikhakha elandelayo:

  • — ukukhiqizwa yasekuqaleni ye BlackBerry inkampani. Pocket — ngomunye wabokuqala uvele izesekeli yenkampani, ngokuvamile kuba uhlobo ikhava ifakiwe ngefoni ukudayiswa. Lasekuqaleni ephaketheni BlackBerry ifakwe sici enozibuthe ikhiye ngokuzenzakalela isikrini bese ikhibhodi lapho smartphone ngaphakathi — okusungulile elula kakhulu. BlackBerry emaphaketheni zenziwa ukukhiqizwa yasekuqaleni ikakhulu eyenziwe okuqotho, kodwa kukhona amamodeli we eliphezulu mbumbulu lesikhumba, wangaphandle esiyinhlanganisela impahla. Palette umbala esihlalweni sokuqala ihlanganisa mhlophe noma lube mnyama, imibala mihle kangakanani, base ngemininingwane ezimibalabala.
  • onophawu ezahlukene design okukhethekile. Ngokuvamile kunezindatshana amamodeli we isikhumba esingokwemvelo ngezandla. Corporate ephaketheni BlackBerry abe sipho efanelekayo. Uma uthanda ukuba ivelele, kodwa kubalulekile ukuba athobele ibhizinisi isitayela, umkhiqizo Case — okukhethayo. Njengoba imodeli uphawu emaphaketheni ahlukile, ngeke neze ukuthola phakathi ukulandelwa yesibili efanayo. Corporate Case-ephaketheni BlackBerry — lokhu engavamile ukwakheka, ukuthamba, impahla, ukuqina kanye izinga olungenakuqhathaniswa.
  • Isikhwama-ephaketheni third-party — okufana omkhulu ezikhululekile, lokhu ephaketheni kufanelekile nsuku zonke, futhi intengo ngeke ebiza kakhulu. Pocket BlackBerry wesithathu ikakhulukazi wenza kusukela mbumbulu lesikhumba noma isikhumba extruded. Kukhona zombili amakhophi nesembozo yokuqala kanye nomklamo walo. Ngezinye izikhathi lezi emaphaketheni ifakwe kazibuthe BlackBerry ubuchwepheshe nolimi lokuqala.

Isikhwama-ephaketheni BlackBerry kulula ukuyisebenzisa futhi zisebenza kahle. Ngenxa isakhiwo ayo, ivikela zonke sengozini evele smartphone, nezigodi ezihlanganisa ingxenye enkulu ye-ke.

Uhla yethu emaphaketheni BlackBerry ezilapho. Ukuze kube lula, ungasebenzisa bezobhekana bese ukhetha imodeli yakho. Qiniseka ukuthi ubheka gallery isithombe, zonke izithombe benziwa ezinoqwembe yangempela.

BlackBerry DTEK60

Buy Inhlanganisela original Case-pocket Smart Pocket for BlackBerry DTEK60
Eliphezulu nezesekeli Ukugunda kakhulu. It ivumela ngangokusemandleni ukuba athathe smartphone yakho. Trendy design lesikhumba njengengxenye.

BlackBerry 9900/ 9930

Exclusive accessory ye izinga okungenakuqhathaniswa Monaco yenkampani. ukubukeka Excellent of the ukunambitheka olukhuni kunazo. Ekhasini emelelwa nesembozo enezingqimba futhi mpo, emaphaketheni omfisha.
-51% $45
Inikeza ukuvikelwa egcwele yefoni yakho yokulimala ehlukahlukene. ukubukeka Excellent, classic ukuthungwa smooth. Lokhu ikhava original for BlackBerry 9900 ihlinzekwa ezinye opharetha angaphandle. It isekela magnetic BlackBerry ubuchwepheshe.

BlackBerry 9720

-51% $45
Inikeza ukuvikelwa egcwele yefoni yakho yokulimala ehlukahlukene. ukubukeka Excellent, classic ukuthungwa smooth. Lokhu ikhava original for BlackBerry 9900 ihlinzekwa ezinye opharetha angaphandle. It isekela magnetic BlackBerry ubuchwepheshe.