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Tools for BlackBerry

生产的Micro-SIM卡工具捆绑在一起的适配器, Noosy,金属 水分指标,为4x3毫米,10个, 白 原来针用于打开槽的SIM卡和存储卡, 金属,类型1 塑料开瓶器的拆卸和修理智能手机, 蓝 品牌微纤维布清洁Smartphone Experts超细纤维清洁布的电话BlackBerry, 蓝 适配器套件为微型和纳米SIM卡, NOOSY,黑,3件。 企业清洁套件AppleJuce屏幕和设备清洁2盎司为BlackBerry, 绿

All that may be needed for both advanced and novice users: care products, tools for disassembly and other sets to work with the smartphone.