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Tempered glass screen protectors for BlackBerry

ifilimu nengilazi Avikelayo wesibuko BlackBerry DTEK60, okusobala film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Classic, esobala Okuqinile nengilazi zokuzivikela ifilimu IMAK 9H wesibuko BlackBerry KEYone, okusobala Okuqinile nengilazi zokuzivikela ifilimu sesikrini Sikai Glass ngoba BlackBerry KEYone, Black / okubonakalayo film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Leap, esobala

The "glass" film is the most dense of the existing protective films for the BlackBerry screen. Provides the screen with impenetrable armor, perfectly protects from the impacts — the film can crack, the BlackBerry screen will remain intact. You can also see all products of type Protective films for BlackBerry.

Categories of page Tempered glass screen protectors for BlackBerry

BlackBerry Z30

Buy film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Z30
The impahla kanzima, aminyene futhi isikhathi eside kunikeza ukuvikeleka okuhle kakhulu smartphone zintekenteke kakhulu. Ngokunamathisela lesi ifilimu, wena ugaxe isihenqo ngaphansi "ingilazi extra", okuzokwenza sibhekane nazo imihuzuko ngisho ezinzima!

BlackBerry Priv

Buy Nokuphathelene Ukuvikelwa ifilimu Hat Prince nengilazi wesibuko BlackBerry Priv
Nokuphathelene ifilimu nengilazi, isikrini enamathela, ingxenye yayo ukumelela egoba ( "flat" ingilazi). izinga okusezingeni eliphezulu izimpahla.
Ikhono ukuvikela uhlevane, lehla, imihuzuko, futhi anezakhi olefobnymi (akabashiyi iyiphi yeminwe, amafutha) kanye akaguquki nozwela-screen. Ulandela ukuma onqenqemeni-screen. Tinhlobo letimbili amafilimu ongakhetha kuzo.

BlackBerry Passport

The latest Ukuthuthukiswa — ifilimu-glass, ukwazi emangalisa ngezici zawo Amazing! Namathela lokhu ifilimu, uyobe wenze smartphone yakho njengomuzi ongangeneki ngokuphelele! Bheka incazelo — kuyamangaza, kodwa kuyiqiniso! Izinguqulo kokubili passport "okuvamile," futhi Passport Silver Edition.

BlackBerry Motion

Buy I-glass-glass glass-protective IMAK 9H yeskrini BlackBerry Motion
I-Glass ye-glass-proprietary ye-high quality ye-IMAK 9H inezici ezinhle kakhulu futhi izovikela ngokuqiniseka isikrini se-BlackBerry Motion yakho ngisho nokulimala okukhulu.
Buy Umvikeli wesikrini weBlackBerry Motion
Le "ingilazi engaphezulu" i-BlackBerry Motion, ukumelana nomthelela, okuzobhekana nokukhwabanisa okuqinile nokushayisana. Izinto eziqinile, ezinomsoco neziqinile.

BlackBerry KEYone

Buy Okuqinile nengilazi zokuzivikela ifilimu IMAK 9H wesibuko BlackBerry KEYone
Qualitative nokuphathelene ifilimu nengilazi IMAK 9H ine omuhle kakhulu amandla izici futhi enokwethenjelwa ukuvikela isihenqo BlackBerry yakho KEYone ngisho ekulimaleni okukhulu.
Buy Avikelayo ifilimu nengilazi 2.5D ukuze libe yisihenqo ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
Film-ingilazi, esivikela futhi olungenakuqhathaniswa kahle replicates esibukweni Ubukhulu KEYone. Gqoka nemithi, futhi abupheli. Amafutha oxosha enamathela. Design zikanokusho.

BlackBerry DTEK60

Buy Avikelayo ifilimu nengilazi 2.5D ukuze libe yisihenqo ngoba BlackBerry DTEK60
Film-ingilazi ukuba ephelele bamba kwesikrini usayizi DTEK60. Gqoka nemithi, futhi abupheli. Amafutha oxosha enamathela.

BlackBerry Classic

Buy ingilazi babelibiza ifilimu zokuzivikela for the screen Nillkin Amazing H for BlackBerry Classic
The latest Ukuthuthukiswa — ifilimu-glass, ukwazi emangalisa ngezici zawo Amazing! Namathela lokhu ifilimu, uyobe wenze smartphone yakho njengomuzi ongangeneki ngokuphelele! Bheka incazelo — kuyamangaza, kodwa kuyiqiniso!