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Housings and its parts for BlackBerry

原住房的BlackBerry 8220 Pearl翻转的前面板, 黑 闩锁BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch电池盖(电瓶夹), 黑 原轮辋BlackBerry P'9983保时捷设计, 银 身体的一部分 - 相机面板BlackBerry 9810 Torch, 火炬,黑色 对于BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch原来如此(基于金属)的中间部分 彩色柜BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch, 灰色闪亮 原来玻璃屏幕BlackBerry 9220曲线上, 黑 彩色柜BlackBerry 9000 Bold, 亚光黑色,封面的“皮肤” 键盘支架BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch, 白 边贝壳钮扣BlackBerry Q5, 红

This section of the housings for BlackBerry — phone parts, which are replaced most frequently. You will find whole housings or their elements separately. We can say with confidence that we have the best range of housings and components.