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I-smartphone yeBlackBerry 9900 Bold, Black (Black)

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I-smartphone yeBlackBerry 9900 Bold, Black (Black)
Ihlelo leBlackBerry Bold elinesikrini sokuthinta. I-BlackBerry 9900 Bold Thinta i-— ingumqondo omusha we-Smartphones BlackBerry. Ihlanganisa ukubukeka okujwayelekile kwekhibhodi ye-BlackBerry Bold, QWERTY (QWERTY), kanye nekhredithi yokuthinta ikhono! Isistimu yokusebenza i-BlackBerry OS 7.1, i-processor 1.2 GHz ne-768 MB RAM, imemori yangaphakathi engu-8 GB nokusekelwa kwamakhadi we-MicroSD, ikhamera ye-5.0 megapixel nge-flash, i-sensor motion (i-accelerometer), ikhampasi yedijithali (i-magnetometer), inzwa yokusondela (i-proximity sensor), i-GPS , Wi-Fi, 3G, i-Bluetooth, ukusekela ubuchwepheshe be-NFC.

Shop for I-smartphone yeBlackBerry 9900 Bold

Ihlelo leBlackBerry Bold elinesikrini sokuthinta.

I-BlackBerry 9900 Bold Thinta i-— ingumqondo omusha we-Smartphones BlackBerry. Ihlanganisa ukubukeka okujwayelekile kwekhibhodi ye-BlackBerry Bold, QWERTY (QWERTY), kanye nekhredithi yokuthinta ikhono! Isistimu yokusebenza i-BlackBerry OS 7.1, i-processor 1.2 GHz ne-768 MB RAM, imemori yangaphakathi engu-8 GB nokusekelwa kwamakhadi we-MicroSD, ikhamera ye-5.0 megapixel nge-flash, i-sensor motion (i-accelerometer), ikhampasi yedijithali (i-magnetometer), inzwa yokusondela (i-proximity sensor), i-GPS , Wi-Fi, 3G, i-Bluetooth, ukusekela ubuchwepheshe be-NFC.

Shop for I-smartphone yeBlackBerry 9900 Bold:

Ingabe ufuna imali enjalo njenge-smartphone? Bona iSmartphone BlackBerry 9900 Bold Used.

Product code: BB9900-BK
Price:  $ 204

Product option:

  • Ikhibhodi ngokuqoshwa kwezinhlamvu zesiRussia kufakwe:


  • I-Russianfication egcwele: imenyu kanye nokufaka ngesiRashiya
  • isebenza nanoma yimuphi opharetha wokuxhumana (ovuliwe)
  • Isiqiniseko somsebenzi ngeBlackBerry Inthanethi Insizakalo (BIS) ne-BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)
  • imodi ye-Wi-Fi esebenzayo (engenamkhawulo)
  • iwaranti ejwayelekile yonyaka owodwa
  • Ibhukwana lomsebenzisi ngesiRashiya (ngesimo se-elektroniki)

Ebhokisini le-smartphone BlackBerry 9900 (Black)

Ukuguqulwa (izinguqulo) BlackBerry Bold Touch

  • I-BlackBerry 9900 (i-GSM ejwayelekile, evumelekile eRussia) i— le smartphone
  • I-BlackBerry 9930 (GSM / CDMA2000 ejwayelekile, kungase kube nezinkinga nge-BIS )

Izici namaKghono BlackBerry Bold 9900

Характеристики BlackBerry 9900

  • 115 x 66 x 10.5 mm, cishe 130 g.
  • Isikrini esingu-2.8 "esinesikrini sokuthinta, ikhwalithi ye-VGA (isinqumo esingu-640x480, 287 i-PPI)
  • Ikhibhodi ephelele ye-QWERTY, ithrekhi yethrekhi evulekile
  • Umseshi we-1.2 GHz, i-768 MB yememori
  • I-8 GB yememori yangaphakathi, ne-microSD-slot esekela amakhadi kuze kufike ku-32 GB
  • I-NFC Technology
  • I-megapixel yekhamera engu-5.0 ene-flash, ukusekelwa kokurekhoda kwevidiyo njenge-720p HD
  • Inzwa yomsindo (i-accelerometer), ikhampasi yedijithali (i-magnetometer), inzwa yokusondelana (Isilinganiso Sokuzwa)
  • I-GPS / i-GPS eyakhelwe ngaphakathi
  • I-Wi-Fi® — 802.11 b / g / n emibili ye-channel ku-2.4 GHz no-802.11 a / n ku-5 GHz
  • Ukusekela i-Bluetooth® 2.1 + EDR
  • Iphindaphindiwe, elayishiwe 1230 mAh ibhetri

Ukusekela amanethiwekhi angenantambo:

  • I-smartphone ye-BlackBerry Bold 9900: I-Tri-Band HSPA +, i-Quad-Band GSM / EDGE
  • I-smartphone ye-BlackBerry Bold 9930: I-Dual-Band CDMA / EVDO Rev A, i-Dual-Band HSPA +, i-Quad-Band GSM / EDGE


Operating uhlelo BlackBerry 7.1 OS

OS BlackBerry platform 7.1 — a high-ukusebenza, enqophe ngokushesha futhi nokukhulumisana lula kubasebenzisi BlackBerry, futhi ihlanganisa olunzulu multimedia amakhono kanye nemikhicito high. Futhi, ngaphezu improved isiphequluli sewebhu ukusebenza kanye search universal (! Manje ngezwi), Nansi incazelo emfushane ka ezinye izici ezintsha:

  • Liquid Graphics ™ — BlackBerry 7.1 OS inikeza brouzing fast, izithombe, namavidiyo, kanye high ukusebenza yokudlala, ihluzo ecebile.
  • NFC — Ukusekela komdabu Near Field nokuxhumana (NFC), ubuchwepheshe obusha ngokuphelele, athuthukiswe ukuqinisekisa exchange okuphephile kolwazi emkhatsini kumadivayisi buqamama close kakhulu.
  • Ubuhlobo nezwe elingaphandle — smartphone BlackBerry Bold ezahlukene ikhampasi esakhelwe in (magnetometer) ukunikeza BlackBerry 7.1 OS inzuzo uma usebenzisa la zokusebenza.
  • Hot Spot — enze smartphone yakho yeselula WiFi-yokungena, ngoba kuyinto elula kangaka ake unlimited internet ukusetshenziswa namanye amadivayisi akho.

Ividiyo bese ubukeza i-BlackBerry 9900 Bold

Iyini imfihlo yokuphumelela kweBlackBerry Bold 9900? Kulula kakhulu: ikhibhodi enkulu, isikrini esihle sokuthinta, isisombululo se-super-power, ngcono i-web-surfing, ifafaze ngesistimu entsha yokusebenza iBlackBerry OS 7 futhi, voila! Impumelelo iqinisekisiwe .. Funda isibuyekezo esigcwele BlackBerry Bold 9900 .