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HDMI-Isixhumi on the BlackBerry replacement

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HDMI-Isixhumi on the BlackBerry replacement

HDMI-Isixhumi on the BlackBerry replacement

HDMI — interface for isikhombi soxhumanoningi, okuyinto evumela ukudluliswa kwe-digital high-definition video. Esimweni umonakalo Isixhumi, ongoti bethu ingakusiza. Thina enze exhumanisayo replacement izinsuku 1-5, kuye ngokuthi imodeli BlackBerry.

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Price of HDMI-Isixhumi on the BlackBerry replacement service for your BlackBerry model

from $30
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Ukukhipha yocezuningi isixhumi on BlackBerry

HDMI interface has a bandwidth phakathi 4.9 no 10.2 GB / s, begodu nezinga ikhebula ubude kuze kufinyelele 10 metres ngaphandle kokulahleka quality. Naphezu kweqiniso lokuthi exhumanisayo alisetshenziswa kaningi ngangokunokwenzeka USB, nokho, kungaba aphambane phansi, futhi kulokhu kudingeka ukushintshwa njengoba 'ukulungisa »HDMI-isixhumi, ezimweni eziningi akunakwenzeka; kungenxa umonakalo emzimbeni oxhumana. Ukushintshwa kwamajoyinti, sisebenzisa izixhumi original ukuthi zibhekene ngqo kumadivayisi ezahlukene BlackBerry. Ukubuyiselwa Isixhumi HDMI — umsebenzi onzima ngempela, ngoba ezikhathini eziningi zidinga nokunamathisela ngomthofu.

Разъем HDMI T2 для BlackBerryРазъем HDMI T1 для BlackBerry

HDMI-isixhumi ungayithola enye by abanye tinkhulumo BlackBerry, kuhlanganise:

  • BlackBerry Z30
  • BlackBerry Z10
  • BlackBerry Q10

Uhlu oluphelele onobuhle kanye rates replacement, bheka ngenhla ngosizo element 'intengo inkonzo model yakho BlackBerry ».