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Ukukhipha maphakathi sikebhe

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Ukukhipha maphakathi sikebhe

Ukukhipha maphakathi sikebhe

Ukukhipha ingxenye maphakathi umzimba wenziwa ukuvuselela ukubukeka, zalezo zinkinga nesikhulumi noma ezinye izingxenye edidiyelwe kuwo. Enze on-site for Amaminithi ayi-10-30.

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Price of Ukukhipha maphakathi sikebhe service for your BlackBerry model

from $9
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Ukukhipha maphakathi sikebhe by yesikhungo sesevisi ofanelekayo BlackBerry

Ingxenye maphakathi somzimba intfo lebaluleke kakhulu futhi i kwezindlu ezibizayo. Kulula echaza: yilo sakhi izindlu BlackBerry iqukethe inqwaba chips, antenna, izixhumi kanye noxhumana. Kwezinye izimo, le ngxenye maphakathi kuhlanganisa USB-isixhumi futhi jack audio, futhi ngokuphazima kweso, futhi abezindaba isikhulumi. Yingakho le nto ukudinga indawo kwenzeka umonakalo ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka.

Ngaphezu umthwalo walo functional, ingxenye maphakathi yesithombe kudala nedivayisi yangaphandle, ezifana on a BlackBerry 9900 noma 9700/9780 — matte yayo ukuthungwa futhi luluhle futhi inikeza "nenkanuko edlulele" ezinokwethenjelwa esandleni sakhe, ukuze umshini engenzi ehamba out.

Ukukhipha maphakathi sikebhe — inselelo ochwepheshe bethu ngeke afeze "on the spot", futhi wena akudingeki ukuba ashiye unit okwesikhathi eside. Ukushintshwa kwamajoyinti, sisebenzisa izingxenye original ezingakaze zibe khona kumadivayisi ezahlukene BlackBerry (isibonelo, kukhona isilinganiso izinhlobo ezahlukene Z10 kanye Q10). Buyekeza element izindlu, smartphone angase ajabulise okwesikhathi eside.

Средняя часть оригинального корпуса для BlackBerry 9700/9780 BoldСредняя часть оригинального корпуса с поддержкой NFC для BlackBerry 9900/9930 Bold TouchСредняя часть оригинального корпуса для BlackBerry Z10Средняя часть оригинального корпуса для BlackBerry Q10

Umzimba okuyingxenye kungenziwa avuselelwa cishe zonke izinhlobo BlackBerry, kuhlanganise:

  • BlackBerry Z30
  • BlackBerry Z3
  • BlackBerry Z10
  • BlackBerry Q10, Q5
  • BlackBerry P'9981 Porsche Design
  • BlackBerry 9900/9930 Bold
  • BlackBerry 9700/9780 Bold
  • BlackBerry 9000 Bold

Uhlu oluphelele onobuhle kanye rates replacement, bheka ngenhla ngosizo element 'intengo inkonzo model yakho BlackBerry ».