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I-logo ye-opharetha yokuhlanza uma ulayisha iBlackBerry (Debranding)

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I-logo ye-opharetha yokuhlanza uma ulayisha iBlackBerry (Debranding)

I-logo ye-opharetha yokuhlanza uma ulayisha iBlackBerry (Debranding)

Uma ifoni ilayishwa, ngokushesha ngaphambi kokuthi imenyu enkulu ibonakale, ama-smartphone opharetha BlackBerry abonisa uphawu lwabo esikrinini. Futhi uma i-logo kuleso cala ingasuswa, ngokumane uguqule ingxenye "ye-U-Cover", ngakho-ke ukuze ususe isikhumbuzo esibuhlungu esikrinini lapho ulayisha, udinga ukwenza inqubo elula kakhulu — debranding. Isikhathi sokuhola service — kusuka imizuzu 20 kuya 40.

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Price of I-logo ye-opharetha yokuhlanza uma ulayisha iBlackBerry (Debranding) service for your BlackBerry model

from $18
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Debrending nokuvula

Isevisi ayitholakali.

Ukweqa nokuvula kusuka othwala futhi ukuvula i-WiFi ne-BBM — yizinsizakalo ezintathu ezahlukene. Ukukhishwa kwelokukhishwa kwelokusebenza kwelokuphazamisa uma kuvula, ukuvula kusuka kumthwali wesithwala kukuvumela ukuthi usebenzise i-smartphone nge-SIM khadi kwanoma yimuphi umqhubi, futhi ukuvula i-WiFi ne-BBM kuzosusa imingcele kule misebenzi.

Ngenxa yokukhishwa kwe-debanding, lapho i-smartphone ilayishwa, esikhundleni se-logo yenethiwekhi, uzobona logo ye-BlackBerry:

BlackBerry Logo Дебрэндинг