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Ukubuyiswa kwedatha kwi-smartphone BlackBerry

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Ukubuyiswa kwedatha kwi-smartphone BlackBerry

Ukubuyiswa kwedatha kwi-smartphone BlackBerry

Ukubuyiswa kwedatha i-— ingenye yemisebenzi ebaluleke kakhulu eyenzeka lapho i-smartphone ihluleka, futhi isipele sedatha asikwenziwanga. Kungase kube nezizathu eziningana zokulahleka kwedatha, isibonelo, Iphutha Lokusebenza noma Iphutha le-JVM 104, 507, 523, nabanye. Uma kwenzeka ukuvuselelwa kwesistimu evamile, idatha ngeke ibuyiselwe, isevisi yokutakula idatha inikezwa ngokungeziwe.

Idatha okubuyiselwa: ibhuku lekheli, ama-imeyili, oxhumana nabo iBlackBerry Messenger, i-SMS, ikhalenda, imisebenzi. Sicela uqaphele ukuthi ukutholakala kwedatha akukhona njalo.

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Price of Ukubuyiswa kwedatha kwi-smartphone BlackBerry service for your BlackBerry model

from $152
If your BlackBerry model is not listed here, perhaps, we drive you to wrong page. Some times it's easier to inquiry repair services and evaluation of cost.  

Kuziphi izimo idatha ku-BlackBerry idatha ayikwazi ukutholakala

Isevisi ayitholakali.

Ukuthola idatha ku-BlackBerry — akuyona umsebenzi olula, futhi akuyona into ecacile ukuthi umphumela uzoba yini. Kodwa kwezinye izimo, singasho masinyane ukuthi idatha yakho ngeke ibuyiselwe:

  • Sula noma inqubo yokuhlanza idatha eyenziwe kudivayisi.
  • Ukhohlwe iphasiwedi yedivayisi yakho

Thatha ngokungathí sina ukuphepha kwedatha yakho! Siyancoma ngokuqinile ukuthi uphinde uphinde uphinde usebenzise uhlelo lweBlackBerry Desktop Manager / BlackBerry Link noma usebenzise i-BlackBerry Protect.