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I original ikhibhodi English BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve

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I original ikhibhodi English BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve
Ingxenye yomzimba, elele close to the support for the ukuqaliswa ukuchofoza izinkinobho. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, ukukhiqizwa BlackBerry: wokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi.

Keyboard — element main esihlukanisa evela kwezinye Smartphones BlackBerry. Yingakho abangamaJuda, ephula imisebenzi ikhibhodi BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve ngqo ziyancipha umkhiqizo. Kulokhu, ufuna ukushintsha noma ukulungisa ikhibhodi, funda kabanzi ekhasini Ukukhipha ikhibhodi (hhayi ababehlangene).

Thina banakekele kumiswa ezixube original izingxenye zomzimba ngenxa 9360/9370, esitolo sethu Izinketho zemibala — Bheka gallery kukhona. Ungathola njalo ilungelo okuyingxenye, ngisho noma smartphone yakho umbala ezingavamile.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $12

I original ikhibhodi English BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve

Product variants and codes:

  • black 9360KEYBENG-BK
  • white 9360KEYBENG-WT
  • Red (Ruby Red) 9360KEYBENG-RR
  • Pink (Pink) 9360KEYBENG-PN
  • Purple (Royal Purple) 9360KEYBENG-RP

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9370
  • BlackBerry 9360
  • BlackBerry 9350