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Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold

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Shop for I-smartphone yeBlackBerry 9900 Bold

Ihlelo leBlackBerry Bold elinesikrini sokuthinta.

I-BlackBerry 9900 Bold Thinta i-— ingumqondo omusha we-Smartphones BlackBerry. Ihlanganisa ukubukeka okujwayelekile kwekhibhodi ye-BlackBerry Bold, QWERTY (QWERTY), kanye nekhredithi yokuthinta ikhono! Isistimu yokusebenza i-BlackBerry OS 7.1, i-processor 1.2 GHz ne-768 MB RAM, imemori yangaphakathi engu-8 GB nokusekelwa kwamakhadi we-MicroSD, ikhamera ye-5.0 megapixel nge-flash, i-sensor motion (i-accelerometer), ikhampasi yedijithali (i-magnetometer), inzwa yokusondela (i-proximity sensor), i-GPS , Wi-Fi, 3G, i-Bluetooth, ukusekela ubuchwepheshe be-NFC.

Shop for I-smartphone yeBlackBerry 9900 Bold:

Kuhle kakhulu BlackBerry 9900 Bold — thina

BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold kuyinto kufanele omunye onobuhle ethandwa kakhulu, hhayi kuphela phakathi kwabasebenzisi eRussia, kodwa futhi phesheya. Le mpumelelo kungenxa design walo eliyingqayizivele classical, obe yimpumelelo QWERTY-QWERTY ikhibhodi, egcwele zokuseka BIS kanye nokusebenza okuhle.

Yingakho siye enawulungiselelwa ububanzi emhlabeni okubanzi izesekeli kusuka ihlanganisa — futhi amashaja, ephelezelwa incazelo eningiliziwe nezithombe professional. Nakani amafilimu zokuzivikela kulolu smart zamafoni, amashaja khadi, nabanikazi imoto — futhi phezu abanikazi. Ngokubona kwethu, lawa izesekeli ukuthi kufanele ibe umsebenzisi ngamunye 9900/9930.

Yiqiniso, nokuziqhenya BlackBerry ikhibhodi, futhi uma ku-smartphone yakho Awekho yokuqala (imboni) ikhibhodi Russian — qiniseka ukuyifaka. Lokhu kuzokwenza kakhulu lula isingeniso ngesiRashiya bese wenze ukubukeka smartphone ekhangayo.

Esimeni ukuhlukaniswa smartphone noma omunye izingxenye zalo, ezifana isikrini, siyajabula ukuba banikele kuwe zonke izingxenye ezisele, abanye hhayi BlackBerry yayo yasekuqaleni, kodwa futhi ongakhetha zabo kuphela. Bheka, bheka! Futhi-ke, sikulungele ukunikeza wonke amasevisi ukulungisa kanye Tuning BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold.

Jabulela ukubukela ikhathalogi yethu!

Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold

Special offers

-44% $25
Buy Stereo earphone we 3.5mm Stereo earphone ngoba BlackBerry (ikhophi)
izinga Sound kuphezulu, ukubukeka kuyinto izakhamuzi zaseBosnia zifana kakhulu kulokho eqale iyikho.
-26% $31
Buy Ishaja yangempela yodonga ekhuphukile yamanje ye-2000mA
Ishaja ephathekayo ye-QC10UK (QC13UK) ine-2A yamanje futhi ikuvumela ukuthi ukhokhise amadivayisi wesimanje ngokushesha.
-56% $68
Buy I original ILUNGU LEPHALAMENDE-2100 Portable Mobile Power Ishaja ye BlackBerry
Kulula kakhulu ukusebenzisa format nge ikhebula esakhelwe ngaphakathi! Maximum olunembile icala Inkomba. design Stylish, ukhwaliti original. isisindo Compactness futhi abekiwe umthamo high. nesisekeli esidingekayo kubantu matasa.
-59% $46
Buy White Russian ikhibhodi umhlangano webhodi isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Inikeza look eyindida ngempela ukuba BlackBerry yakho futhi lula ukuthayipha. Lokhu ikhibhodi isivele ifakiwe ebhodini substrate futhi kuhlangene isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe, futhi ikhambi usulungile ukufakwa. Lokhu ikhibhodi — BlackBerry Qinisekile, akhiwe RIM BlackBerry. Ukuqinisekiswa kwekhwalithi BlackBerry producer.
-77% $53
Buy I-Gen Gen Mono Headset ye-3.5mm ye-Original Mono Headset ye-BlackBerry
I-version ethuthukisiwe ye-classic mono headset nge-ergonomics esezingeni eliphezulu nokucaciswa kobuchwepheshe. Ukuklama nekhwalithi yeBlackBerry.
-51% $45
Inikeza ukuvikelwa egcwele yefoni yakho yokulimala ehlukahlukene. ukubukeka Excellent, classic ukuthungwa smooth. Lokhu ikhava original for BlackBerry 9900 ihlinzekwa ezinye opharetha angaphandle. It isekela magnetic BlackBerry ubuchwepheshe.
-25% $8
Nganophula ukubhekisela esilawulayo kuya angaphandle Telecom opharetha, kanye efanelekayo esikhundleni ezigugile u-cover. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry production.
-64% $95
Buy Ishaja Original for J-M1 Battery ephelele nge battery J-Series Extra Battery Ishaja Bundle for BlackBerry
kit Kuyamangalisa elula futhi enokwethenjelwa ukuthi linakho konke okudingayo i BlackBerry osebenzayo. Kufaka ibhethri original J-M1 kanye Y-ikhebula.
-65% $65
Buy Original ideskithophu ishaja "Glass" Carging Pod Bundle for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Into esisemqoka bonke abanikazi BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold. Bundle-iphakethe kuhlanganisa USB-ikhebuli AC ishaja "Micro".
-52% $46
Buy Russian ikhibhodi umhlangano webhodi isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Inikeza look eyindida ngempela ukuba BlackBerry yakho futhi lula ukuthayipha. Lokhu ikhibhodi isivele ifakiwe ebhodini substrate futhi kuhlangene isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe, futhi ikhambi usulungile ukufakwa. Lokhu ikhibhodi — BlackBerry Qinisekile, akhiwe RIM BlackBerry. Ukuqinisekiswa kwekhwalithi BlackBerry producer.
-52% $23
Ivumela ukuthayipha elula futhi fast in Russian, futhi uguqule ukubukeka of smartphone yakho, futhi yavletsya utshalomali ephumelela kunazo. It — version ikhibhodi Russian for BlackBerry Bold 9900 ngaphandle chips, isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe, kanye nezinye izakhi.
-83% $18
Ukulawula okuyinhloko kwi-smartphone BlackBerry. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ikhwalithi ephezulu.
-26% $23
Buy ikhibhodi chip for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Uma lo mshini uthola ezimanzi, ezinye izinkinobho musa ukusebenza, kabili, noma awasebenzi njengoba kufanele — udinga indawo yalesi chip. Lokhu kuyingxenye original ngokunikelwa komzimba okufana — chip setha ekuqaleni lapho ukuhlangana ifoni.
-73% $15
izinhlamvu libhalwe amhlophe, wenza ngosizo isicelo zezincwadi Russian on the keyboard original English.
-71% $78
Lena original ingxenye yomzimba inhlangano: a screen efonini touch-screen ekuqaleni efakwe. Isixazululo turnkey ukushintshwa. Imihlobo ehlukeneko zesikrini kanye Izinketho zemibala.

Case and its accessories


Pocket case

-51% $45
Inikeza ukuvikelwa egcwele yefoni yakho yokulimala ehlukahlukene. ukubukeka Excellent, classic ukuthungwa smooth. Lokhu ikhava original for BlackBerry 9900 ihlinzekwa ezinye opharetha angaphandle. It isekela magnetic BlackBerry ubuchwepheshe.
Exclusive accessory ye izinga okungenakuqhathaniswa Monaco yenkampani. ukubukeka Excellent of the ukunambitheka olukhuni kunazo. Ekhasini emelelwa nesembozo enezingqimba futhi mpo, emaphaketheni omfisha.



Standard capacity

Buy Battery J-M1 (ikhophi) for BlackBerry
Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye isiphelile phansi BlackBerry chungechunge tinkhulumo, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. ehlukile ezingenziwa ukuze ibhethri original.
Buy Battery Original J-M1 for BlackBerry
Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye isiphelile phansi, kanye nokuqinisekisa ukunikezwa kwamazi eziningi nezilandiso BlackBerry onobuhle, kuhlanganise 9900/9930 kanye 9790 Bold, 9850/9860 Torch. izinga Original: ibhethri efanayo iza ngomshini wakho. Likhono 1230 mah.

Charger and its accessories


Headset and its accessories


Media device


Memory card


Cable, adapter or switch




Spare part


Screen in assembly

-71% $78
Lena original ingxenye yomzimba inhlangano: a screen efonini touch-screen ekuqaleni efakwe. Isixazululo turnkey ukushintshwa. Imihlobo ehlukeneko zesikrini kanye Izinketho zemibala.

Spare part → Screen (Display)

Lokhu kuyingxenye original zomzimba: kulesi sikrini isethwe ekucaleni, inhlangano ye-smartphone. Ukuqinisekiswa kwekhwalithi BlackBerry. Screen Izinhlobo: 001/111 kanye 002/111.

Spare part → Main keypad

Russian keypad

Keypad in assembly

-52% $46
Buy Russian ikhibhodi umhlangano webhodi isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Inikeza look eyindida ngempela ukuba BlackBerry yakho futhi lula ukuthayipha. Lokhu ikhibhodi isivele ifakiwe ebhodini substrate futhi kuhlangene isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe, futhi ikhambi usulungile ukufakwa. Lokhu ikhibhodi — BlackBerry Qinisekile, akhiwe RIM BlackBerry. Ukuqinisekiswa kwekhwalithi BlackBerry producer.
izinhlamvu Okuqoshiwe grey — ikhibhodi yenziwa ngokusebenzisa izincwadi Russian on the keyboard original English.
-59% $46
Buy White Russian ikhibhodi umhlangano webhodi isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Inikeza look eyindida ngempela ukuba BlackBerry yakho futhi lula ukuthayipha. Lokhu ikhibhodi isivele ifakiwe ebhodini substrate futhi kuhlangene isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe, futhi ikhambi usulungile ukufakwa. Lokhu ikhibhodi — BlackBerry Qinisekile, akhiwe RIM BlackBerry. Ukuqinisekiswa kwekhwalithi BlackBerry producer.

Spare part → Main keypad → Russian keypad → Keypad only

-73% $15
izinhlamvu libhalwe amhlophe, wenza ngosizo isicelo zezincwadi Russian on the keyboard original English.
-52% $23
Ivumela ukuthayipha elula futhi fast in Russian, futhi uguqule ukubukeka of smartphone yakho, futhi yavletsya utshalomali ephumelela kunazo. It — version ikhibhodi Russian for BlackBerry Bold 9900 ngaphandle chips, isiqeshana sokuhambisa iminwe, kanye nezinye izakhi.

Spare part → Main keypad → Main keypad PCB

-26% $23
Buy ikhibhodi chip for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Uma lo mshini uthola ezimanzi, ezinye izinkinobho musa ukusebenza, kabili, noma awasebenzi njengoba kufanele — udinga indawo yalesi chip. Lokhu kuyingxenye original ngokunikelwa komzimba okufana — chip setha ekuqaleni lapho ukuhlangana ifoni.

Spare part → Housing and its parts

Housing parts


-25% $8
Nganophula ukubhekisela esilawulayo kuya angaphandle Telecom opharetha, kanye efanelekayo esikhundleni ezigugile u-cover. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry production.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel

Lokhu kuyingxenye original zomzimba: bezel setha ekuqaleni lapho ukuhlangana ifoni. Kufaka eziseceleni kanye nezinye izakhi. Ukuze emnyama noma emhlophe unit (imibala ehlukene ye Audio Jack).

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Camera panel

Spare original: ncamashi iphaneli efanayo ifakwe smartphone emhlanganweni. Perfect esikhundleni ukuguga panel, ugcwalise look esiphelele smartphone yakho.

Spare part → Camera

Buy T5 Ikhamera BlackBerry
BlackBerry Ikhamera isinqumo 5 megapixel.
Buy T15 Ikhamera BlackBerry
Ikhamera BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold, P'9981 Porsche Design. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → Microphone

Buy I-microphone (Microphone) T1 for BlackBerry
Uphendula ngezwi yokudlulisela kuya komunye party, ngoba eziningi BlackBerry tinkhulumo. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → Audiojack

Buy jack Audio (earphone Jack) T4 for BlackBerry
Audio Isixhumi hlobo for ezinye tinkhulumo BlackBerry T4. Ixhuma earphone 3.5mm- kanye namanye amadivayisi abezindaba.

Spare part → Connector or contact parts

Buy Power Isixhumi (ibhethri) T6 for BlackBerry
Izixhumi, okuyinto ixhunywe ngamandla ibattery.
Buy Contact rim panel BlackBerry 9900 Bold Touch
On the oxhumana ohlangothini ishaja ideskithophu "Glass". I original ingxenye yomzimba.
Buy okulalelwayo jack Isixhumi BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold
Isixhumi phakathi jack audio kanye umbadlana BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold.

Spare part → Speaker

Buy Media USomlomo (Isikhulisazwi) T1 for BlackBerry
Media Somlomo, odlala ukuncenceza nezinye umsindo oqhamuka. I original eliphezulu spare.
Buy izwi USomlomo (isipikha) T3 for BlackBerry
Udlala izwi interlocutor yakho ngesikhathi ingxoxo. I original eliphezulu spare.
Buy USomlomo (Isikhulisazwi) umnikazi BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold
Isikhulumi izwi ogibele umnini. Nasezinsikeni screen. I original eliphezulu spare.

Spare part → Substrate or keypad PCB

Buy I support for ikhibhodi BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
It is a ifilimu enikezwe fixed banana metal izinkinobho, kubuyela endaweni yalo emva ngamunye ukuphokophela, ingidi ogibele chip.

Spare part → The trackball, trackpad, or their parts

-83% $18
Ukulawula okuyinhloko kwi-smartphone BlackBerry. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ikhwalithi ephezulu.
Babhokile Ngokuphikisa trackpad ukuze ikhibhodi. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry quality. Ababili okuhlukile substrate.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit


Buy Chip rim for BlackBerry 9900 Bold Touch
Original spare okuyingxenye, okuyinto ogibele usebe. Kuhlanganisa iribhoni ikhebula side okhiye kakade efakwe esisekelweni esingashintshi, futhi yisisombululo okuphelele ukufakwa.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Connectors PCB