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film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Z30

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film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Z30
The impahla kanzima, aminyene futhi isikhathi eside kunikeza ukuvikeleka okuhle kakhulu smartphone zintekenteke kakhulu. Ngokunamathisela lesi ifilimu, wena ugaxe isihenqo ngaphansi "ingilazi extra", okuzokwenza sibhekane nazo imihuzuko ngisho ezinzima!

The impahla kanzima, aminyene futhi isikhathi eside kunikeza ukuvikeleka okuhle kakhulu wengxenye zintekenteke kakhulu kwesikrini sakho BlackBerry Z30 —. Ngokunamathisela lesi ifilimu, wena ugaxe isihenqo ngaphansi "ingilazi extra", okuzokwenza sibhekane ngokuphumelelayo ngisho imihuzuko emibi.

Le filimu ngokuphelele ilandela line kwesikrini, futhi ine cutouts ezidingekayo. Ngenxa rigidity, kugcina shape omuhle, okuyinto ekahle kakhulu lapho gluing. Brightness and sensitivity kwesikrini izohlala injalo. Qopha ngokuphelele esobala, ihambelana kahle futhi akwakhi eliphakeme kakhulu. It kufanela kalula ngaphansi amalebula nokuxebuka off amahlamvu Alikho iphunga okunamathelayo. Gqoka nemithi, futhi abupheli.

Vikela isihenqo BlackBerry bakho kusukela ezinsukwini zokuqala yokusetshenziswa, lokhu kuzoqinisekisa ukusebenza kwawo ngendlela efanele futhi look nasici iminyaka eminingi ezayo!

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $4
Product code: Z30SCRPROTGLS

film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Z30

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Z30