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I-glass-glass glass-protective IMAK 9H yeskrini BlackBerry KEY2

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I-glass-glass glass-protective IMAK 9H yeskrini BlackBerry KEY2
I-Glass IMG 9H yokuthengisa i-high quality ikhwalithi enezici ezinhle kakhulu futhi izovikela ngokuthembekile isikrini sakho seBlackBerry KEY2 ngisho nomonakalo omkhulu.

Igalari yefilimu ye-IMAK ebizwa ngokuthi i-IMAK izovikela ngokuthembekile isikrini se-BlackBerry KEY2 yakho, ngoba inempahla emangalisayo:

  • Amandla 9H (Ukuqina Okukhulu)
  • Ukuvikelwa ngisho nemikhakha eqinile.
  • Umsebenzi we-Explosion Proof — uma i-touch screen iwa futhi isikrini se-smartphone asihlakazi izicucu, ngoba ingilazi izoyithatha
  • Awekho ama-greasy nezindawo zeminwe ebusweni.
  • Ayishintshi ukukhanya kwesithombe esibukweni
  • Ayinciphisi ukuzwela kwekhredithi yokuthinta

Engxenyeni eyinhloko, ifilimu ibonakala ngokucacile, nxazonke kwesikrini kukhona uhlaka oluphambene nokuhlukaniswa okhethekile kwezakhi zokusebenza. Ngakho-ke, ngeke uthole nje indlela yokuvikelwa, kodwa futhi i-accessory yokubonakala kwedivaysi ye-— ku-movie enjalo ibonakala isitayela kakhulu.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $17

I-glass-glass glass-protective IMAK 9H yeskrini BlackBerry KEY2

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry KEY2