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film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Leap

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film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Leap
Ngokuphelele ecacile, kahle-fitting futhi akwakhi eliphakeme kakhulu. Gqoka nemithi, futhi abupheli — ingilazi okuhlala isikhathi eside futhi bhala ukumelana.

I omkhulu nanhlanu intshi kwesikrini smartphone BlackBerry Leap — zombili sengozini yakhe. Kulula silungise, nje anamathele the film-glass. Brightness and sensitivity kwesikrini izohlala injalo: the film-glass ngokuphelele esobala, ihambelana kahle futhi akwakhi eliphakeme kakhulu.

It kufanela kalula ngaphansi amalebula nokuxebuka off amahlamvu Alikho iphunga okunamathelayo. Gqoka nemithi, futhi abupheli — ingilazi okuhlala isikhathi eside futhi bhala ukumelana.

Quality materials, enamathela oleophobic.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $8
Product code: LPSCRPROTGLS

film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Leap

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Leap