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Lasekuqaleni IsiZulu ikhibhodi BlackBerry Priv

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Lasekuqaleni IsiZulu ikhibhodi BlackBerry Priv
Zekhibhodi Priv. izinhlamvu English, isakhiwo QWERTY. BlackBerry bangempela ukukhiqizwa esikhululekile okuyingxenye.

QWERTY zekhibhodi BlackBerry Priv simele pad ukhiye, okuyinto ogibele smartphone izindlu.

Uma smartphone yakho has izinkinga ngekhibhodi, le spare okuyingxenye kufanele kuthathelwe indawo.

Sincoma uxhumane ochwepheshe bethu ukwenza umsebenzi wakho esikhundleni ikhibhodi. Funda kabanzi ku-ikhasi Ukukhipha ikhibhodi (hhayi ababehlangene).

Bheka futhi: I original English Ikhibhodi kumnikazi welungelo BlackBerry Priv.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $16
Product code: PRKEYBENG-BK

Lasekuqaleni IsiZulu ikhibhodi BlackBerry Priv

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Priv