Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Priv
-Keyboard, amacala kanye screen Abavikeli nezinye izesekeli izingxenye ezisele for BlackBerry Priv
Unique smartphone BlackBerry Priv, ngaphambili eyayaziwa Venice Wena, ngisho nangaphambi kokuba abasebenzisi banesithakazelo kanjani yesikhulumi BlackBerry, futhi Android. Ukuhlomisa smartphone izesekeli ewusizo, sicela ubheke leli khasi — sihamba yonke imikhiqizo izithombe "real" nezincazelo ezifundisayo.
Yini ukubheka for:
- BlackBerry Priv has kunodonga, okuyiwona ukuvikelwa Kunconywa ukuba anamathele ifilimu ukuvikelwa, futhi zithole Case enokwethenjelwa
- High-amandla webhethri kudinga ukushaja wamanje lenyuke ngamandla amadivaysi, — konke yethulwa kuleli khasi lihambisane nale mfuneko
- Esikhundleni ikhibhodi Priv on Russian, futhi uyobe kakhulu nekusebenta kudivayisi
Siphakamisa nani ukuthenga ezihlukahlukene izingxenye kanye izingxenye ukukhanda BlackBerry Priv , uma kwenzeka uma ukukhanda ngeke ukhiqize enkonzweni yethu sesevisi. Futhi uma udinga usizo nge smart phone entsha, ukudluliswa, fakela izicelo, ulungiselele e-mail — funani ukuba bamise amasevisi BlackBerry .
Jabulela yokubuka ikhathalogu kanye zigqila yimpumelelo!
Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Priv
Special offers
Protective sticker
()For screen
Protective tempered glass
↑$9 |
$8 |
()Standard capacity
↑$92 |
Packaging / box
↑$9 |
Spare part
()Main keypad
English keypad
Keypad only
↑$17 |
$28 |
Spare part → Main keypad → Main keypad PCB
↑$21 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts
Housing parts
↑$11 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover
$58 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Keypad holder
↑$6 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel
Bezel only
↑$24 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Middle part
↑$34 |
$8 |
$38 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Side and bezel buttons
↑$8 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Snap or mount
↑$11 |
$5 |
$8 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts
Camera connector
↑$5 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts → Screen or touch-screen connector
↑$9 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts → Contact parts
↑$7 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts → Keypad connector
↑$6 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts → Bezel or PCB connector
↑$6 |
Spare part → Audiojack
↑$7 |
Spare part → Speaker
↑$19 |
$10 |
Spare part → Camera
↑$14 |
$23 |
Spare part → Microphone
↑$28 |
Spare part → SIM-card connector
↑$9 |
Spare part → Memory card slot
↑$10 |
Spare part → Screen in assembly
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit
Audio PCB
↑$6 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Slider
↑$6 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Integrating
Ribbon cable
↑$65 |
Spare part → Holder for memory card
↑$7 |
Spare part → SIM-card holder
↑$14 |
Case and its accessories
() ↑$11 |
$15 |