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Holder keyboard for BlackBerry 9800/9810 Torch

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Holder keyboard for BlackBerry 9800/9810 Torch
In the process of replacing the keyboard BlackBerry 9800/9810 Torch often damaged "legs" of the holder, and install the keyboard can not achieve the original quality. This problem is solved by the purchase of the new keyboard.

In the process of replacing the keyboard BlackBerry 9800/9810 Torch often damaged "legs" of the holder, and install the keyboard can not achieve the original quality. This problem is solved by the purchase of the new keyboard.

Origianlnaya spare production BlackBerry.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $5

Holder keyboard for BlackBerry 9800/9810 Torch

Product variants and codes:

  • The black 9800KEYBHOLD-BK
  • White 9800KEYBHOLD-WT

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9810
  • BlackBerry 9800