Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Q10
keyboard Russian, amacala, amashaja kubakaki, earphone kanye nezinye izesekeli izingxenye ezisele for BlackBerry Q10
Odinga BlackBerry Q10 uzothola kithi: original ikhibhodi Russian, ezihlukahlukene amacala, nemicengezi izimoto, amashaja, inkumbulo amakhadi, kanye nezinye izesekeli eziningi. InfoResheniya unikeza ukubazi incazelo eningiliziwe ngayinye nto, bheka izithombe ezinemininingwane, funda ukuhambisana izingxenye ezahlukene.
"Masthev" -Accessories for Ama-headset we Q10 kukhona (wayexoxa ngaphandle kokuthatha smartphone yakho ekhukhwini lakho, futhi izandla-free), ishaja nebhethri emotweni (abanikazi imoto) kanye cover (ukuvikelwa ephephile). Yiqiniso, wonke umuntu uyokwazi ukukhetha ncamashi abakufunayo!
Nakuba BlackBerry Q10 futhi ngokwanele idivayisi onokwethenjelwa, ungase uhlangane izinkinga ezihlukahlukene, ngokwesibonelo, ikhamera uyayeka ukusebenza, ikhibhodi, noma kulimaze kwesikrini. Kulokhu, siphakamisa ukuthi athenge ezihlukahlukene izingxenye kanye uphiko ukuba for elungisa BlackBerry Q10 . Futhi uma udinga ukudlulisa a brand new othintana smartphone, ubuyekeze uhlelo lakho lokusebenza, ukufaka izicelo noma ukumisa imeyili — bafune ukuba bamise amasevisi BlackBerry !
Utshalomali eliphumelela kunawo umshini Russian ngeke ukufaka ikhibhodi, futhi ebandleni ne chip. Ngoba BlackBerry — leli thuluzi ukuze ubhale umbhalo ngokushesha, ngokunembile futhi kahle!
Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Q10
Special offers
() ↑$46 |
Charger and its accessories
()Headset and its accessories
()Memory card
() ↑Media device
()Cable, adapter or switch
() ↑Tools
() ↑Spare part
()Connector or contact parts
Camera connector
↑$6 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts → Screen or touch-screen connector
↑$6 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts → Keypad connector
↑$6 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts → Power (battery) connector
↑Spare part → Main keypad
Russian keypad
Keypad in assembly
Spare part → Main keypad → Russian keypad → Keypad only
Spare part → Main keypad → English keypad
↑$11 |
$12 |
Spare part → Main keypad → Main keypad PCB
↑$8 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts
↑$33 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts
Side and bezel buttons
↑$9 |
$9 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Middle part
↑$7 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → U-cover
↑$5 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Top-cover
↑$4 |
Spare part → Screen in assembly
↑$28 |
Spare part → Audiojack
↑$4 |
Spare part → Speaker
↑$6 |
$20 |
$10 |
Spare part → Camera
↑$13 |
$5 |
Spare part → Microphone
↑$4 |
Spare part → SIM-card connector
↑$14 |
Spare part → Memory card slot
↑$3 |
Spare part → HDMI connector
↑$3 |
Spare part → Vibro motor
↑$5 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit
↑$7 |