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Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry KEYone

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Shop for I-smartphone ye-BlackBerry KEYone

I-BlackBerry KEYone — isipiliyoni esihlangene BlackBerry

Ikhibhodi engokwenyama, isikrini esikhulu sokuthinta isikhumba, ukusebenza okuphezulu kanye nekhwalithi yekhamera, ukwakhiwa kweklasi yokuqala, izinhlelo eziningi ezingezinhle ze-Google Play nokuphepha okungapheli. Yindlela ongayakha ngayo i-smartphone ephelele.

Shop for I-smartphone ye-BlackBerry KEYone:

Izikrini, izikhibhodi, izivikeli zesikrini, izembozo, amashaja nezinye izesekeli kanye nezingxenye ezisele zeBlackBerry KEYone

I-BlackBerry KEYone (eyaziwa ngaphansi kwegama lekhodi Mercury) i-— iyi-smartphone ehlanganisa isipiliyoni se-RIM ku-BlackBerry ekwakheni, ukuphepha noku-ergonomics. Yingakho i-KEYone ilinganiswe kahle ngabasebenzisi.

Ukuhlomisa i-smartphone yakho ngezesekeli eziwusizo, bhekisa kwimikhiqizo kuleli khasi, futhi uzothola konke okudingayo. Sihamba nayo yonke imikhiqizo enezithombe "zangempela" nezincazelo ezifundisayo.

Ngaphandle kwezesekeli, sinikeza zonke izingxenye zokungcebeleka ze-BlackBerry KEYone Mercury, njengezikrini nokuthinta izikrini, izikhibhodi, amabhodi wamabhodi, izembozo zebhethri, amabhethri (amandla amabhethri). Izingxenye zangempela, siye sazimisela njengomthengisi onokwethenjelwa emhlabeni wonke, kuhlanganise namazwe aseMelika, eYurophu, e-Indonesia nase-Australia.

Okufanele ubheke:

  • I-BlackBerry KEYone inesibuko esikhulu, ngokuvikelwa esincoma ukuthi sinamathele ifilimu evikelayo, futhi uthenge icala elithembekile
  • Ibhethri enekhono idinga ishaja ephezulu yamanje, i-— yonke ethunyelwe kuleli khasi ukuhlangabezana nale mfuneko.
  • Faka esikhundleni i-BlackBerry KEYone ikhibhodi ngesiRashiya, futhi uzokwandisa kakhulu ukusebenza kahle kwedivaysi
  • Ukuze kulungiswe kunzima kakhulu, ungathenga i-motherboard ye-smartphone KEYone

Awukwazi kuphela ukuthenga izingxenye zokungcebeleka ze-BlackBerry KEYone, kodwa futhi uthole amasevisi wokulungisa i-BlackBerry KEYone esikhungweni sethu sesevisi esikhethekile. Futhi uma udinga usizo nge-smartphone entsha, dlulisa oxhumana nabo, faka izinhlelo zokusebenza, usethe i-imeyili —, thintana neBlackBerry yokusetha izinsizakalo .

Jabulela ikhathalogu nokuzuza okuphumelelayo!

Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry KEYone

Special offers

-52% $29
Ukuhlabana ngoba KEYone! Mhlawumbe isikhwama esiwusizo kakhulu ehlanganisa ukubukeka ehloniphekile, kakhulu izici zokuphepha futhi ukusebenza esiphezulu.
-32% $62
Isetshenziswe ku-BlackBerry KEYone ukufaka nokubamba kokubili i-SIM khadi nememori khadi ku-slot. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry.
-26% $98
Buy Original ikhava emuva BlackBerry KEYone
Original ikhava emuva BlackBerry KEYone. enza BlackBerry, ikhwalithi yoqobo.
-44% $25
Buy Stereo earphone we 3.5mm Stereo earphone ngoba BlackBerry (ikhophi)
izinga Sound kuphezulu, ukubukeka kuyinto izakhamuzi zaseBosnia zifana kakhulu kulokho eqale iyikho.
-43% $21
Buy Original Data-ikhebula le-USB DT Type C BlackBerry
Lokhu ikhebula iza nazo BlackBerry DTEK60. Efanelekayo wonke amadivaysi nge esakhelwe in Uhlobo USB C. Ubude ikhebula ka 1 m.
-26% $31
Buy Ishaja yangempela yodonga ekhuphukile yamanje ye-2000mA
Ishaja ephathekayo ye-QC10UK (QC13UK) ine-2A yamanje futhi ikuvumela ukuthi ukhokhise amadivayisi wesimanje ngokushesha.
-77% $53
Buy I-Gen Gen Mono Headset ye-3.5mm ye-Original Mono Headset ye-BlackBerry
I-version ethuthukisiwe ye-classic mono headset nge-ergonomics esezingeni eliphezulu nokucaciswa kobuchwepheshe. Ukuklama nekhwalithi yeBlackBerry.

Packaging / box



Buy Ibhokisi smartphone BlackBerry KEYone
ibhokisi Original amakhadibhodi kusuka smartphone BlackBerry KEYone. ibhokisi elingaphandle, ibhokisi kwangaphakathi namathebhu. Kuyinto ibhokisi (iphakethe) kuphela. Smartphone nezinsiza akufakiwe.

Protective sticker


For screen


Buy Nokuphathelene Ukuvikelwa ifilimu yesikrini IMAK hydrogel (2 izingcezu) ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
Ubuchwepheshe obusha! Film hydrogel — mncane, okuhlala, nokunwebeka kakhulu. Ukuvikelwa Maximum nobukhona ubuncane esikrinini!

Protective sticker → For screen → Protective tempered glass

Buy Okuqinile nengilazi zokuzivikela ifilimu IMAK 9H wesibuko BlackBerry KEYone
Qualitative nokuphathelene ifilimu nengilazi IMAK 9H ine omuhle kakhulu amandla izici futhi enokwethenjelwa ukuvikela isihenqo BlackBerry yakho KEYone ngisho ekulimaleni okukhulu.
Buy Avikelayo ifilimu nengilazi 2.5D ukuze libe yisihenqo ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
Film-ingilazi, esivikela futhi olungenakuqhathaniswa kahle replicates esibukweni Ubukhulu KEYone. Gqoka nemithi, futhi abupheli. Amafutha oxosha enamathela. Design zikanokusho.

Case and its accessories


Horizontal filp case

-52% $29
Ukuhlabana ngoba KEYone! Mhlawumbe isikhwama esiwusizo kakhulu ehlanganisa ukubukeka ehloniphekile, kakhulu izici zokuphepha futhi ukusebenza esiphezulu.

Case and its accessories → Snap-on case

Buy Okuqinile ikhava plastic, ukumboza IMAK Air Ikesi BlackBerry KEYone
IMAK Air — lula futhi esobala njengoba emoyeni! Kuvikela ifoni yakho, olondolozela ngokugcwele nomklamo walo.

Memory card

Babelibiza SanDisk MicroSD 2GB Memory Card for BlackBerry, black Babelibiza imemori khadi SanDisk Ucingo MicroSD Ultra (microSDHC Class 10 UHS 1) 32GB for BlackBerry, Red / Grey

Charger and its accessories

Ishaja yenethiwekhi yasekuqaleni inyuke umthamo wamanje we-1300mA Euro weBlackBerry, Black (Black), e-Europe (Russia)

Headset and its accessories

earplugs Original for BlackBerry Premium earphone, Black, usayizi Big I-Headset yokuqala ye-3.5mm ejwayelekile ye-Stereo Headset yeBlackBerry, Umnyama Original plate esikhiphekayo Ama-headset we BlackBerry Multimedia Premium, silver I-Mono Headset ye-3.5mm Premium i-Mono Bud Headset ye-BlackBerry, Umnyama Isiqeshana clip for wire-earphone we-BlackBerry, Black, earphone WS

Media device

Babelibiza Portable uhlelo audio Naztech N15 3.5mm Mini Boom likaSomlomo ukuze BlackBerry, Black (Emuva)

Cable, adapter or switch

I-adaptha USB Uhlobo C / USB Uhlobo A OTG hlobo BlackBerry, black idabula Corporate audio Belkin headphone Splitter Y-adaptha ukuze BlackBerry, black UNIVERSAL Kuvunguza Data-ikhebula le-USB / microUSB / Type C BlackBerry, black cable Audio Audio-to-Audio Jack (Aux) 3.5mm for BlackBerry, red -adaptha Universal for BlackBerry enwetshiwe, White ne Inkomba Bluetooth-adaptha ukuze uxhume BlackBerry computer, I black, uncamane

Spare part


USB connector

Buy Isixhumi se-USB (Isixhumi Isixhumi) T21 seBlackBerry KEYone
Isixhumi se-USB se-BlackBerry KEYone, uhlobo lwesihlobo C.

Spare part → Housing and its parts

Housing parts


Buy Ngezansi lwamapulangwe izimpondo BlackBerry KEYone
BlackBerry ukukhiqizwa, ikhwalithi.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Top-cover

Iphaneli yepulasitiki emboza ingxenye engenhla ye-KEYone smartphone.
Ingxenye ephezulu yomzimba ithathelwa indawo ngenxa yezizathu eziningana, ukubukeka okuyinhloko kwe—. Lokhu kuyisiqalo secala, ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry, kufakwe ku-smartphone ekuqaleni.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover

-26% $98
Buy Original ikhava emuva BlackBerry KEYone
Original ikhava emuva BlackBerry KEYone. enza BlackBerry, ikhwalithi yoqobo.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Camera panel

Buy Ikhamera iphaneli BlackBerry KEYone
Setha phakathi chassis ngaphansi ikhava yebhethri. It wenza umsebenzi kokungathembeki.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Middle part

Buy Ingxenye ephakathi yomzimba enezinkinobho ezihlangene ze-BlackBerry KEYone
Isisekelo se-BlackBerry KEYone icala, lapho izingxenye ezisele zebhodi lomama le—, isikrini, ikhibhodi, nebhethri kufakwe khona.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Snap or mount

Buy Isixhumi umnikazi BlackBerry KEYone
It wenza zokuzivikela umsebenzi — izikhumba ophethe nezixhumi ukuba exhunywe kwi-umbadlana, kanye nezinye izakhi zalo. Made metal.

Spare part → Audiojack

Buy Jack Audio (earphone Jack) T19 ngoba BlackBerry Priv futhi KEYone
Audio-uhlobo isixhumi T19 BlackBerry KEYone / Priv yokuxhuma ejwayelekile plug-3.5mm. Ivumela ukuba uxhume ifoni earphone wakho, imoto stereo uhlelo ngokusebenzisa aux-ikhebula, kanye namanye amadivayisi abezindaba, kukhona nezinye izinto zokusebenza kulawulwa a 3.5mm Jack.

Spare part → Camera

Buy Ikhamela ephambili ngoba T32 BlackBerry KEYone
Ikhamela ephambili ngoba BlackBerry KEYone, isinqumo 8 MP. izingxenye ezisele Original.
Buy T31 ikhamera esiyinhloko BlackBerry KEYone
Main (bakhulise) ekamelweni BlackBerry KEYone. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → Substrate or keypad PCB

Substrate only

Buy Ikhibhodi yekhibhodi ye-BlackBerry KEYone
Ifilimu, lapho izinkinobho ezigobile zensimbi zilungiswa khona, zibuyela esimweni sokuqala ngemva kokucindezela ngamunye.

Spare part → Screen in assembly

Buy Isikrini LCD + isikrini sokuthinta + bezel for BlackBerry KEYone
Gcwalisa, ukulungele-to-ufake isixazululo. LCD IPS, 4.5 intshi, 1080 × 1620 Amaphikseli. Ukukhiqizwa BlackBerry — ezisele bangempela ingxenye.

Spare part → Vibro motor

Buy Isixwa motor inhlangano (isidlidlizi Motor) T7 ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
Nokobana umsebenzi ku-smartphone dlidliza yakho KEYone.

Spare part → SIM-card holder

-32% $62
Isetshenziswe ku-BlackBerry KEYone ukufaka nokubamba kokubili i-SIM khadi nememori khadi ku-slot. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry.

Spare part → Screen (Display)

Buy LCD Screen + Isikrini ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
LCD IPS, 4.5 intshi, 1080 × 1620 Amaphikseli. Ukukhiqizwa BlackBerry — ezisele bangempela ingxenye.

Spare part → Main keypad

Main keypad PCB

Buy Ikhibhodi yekhibhodi yeBlackBerry KEYone
Ingxenye yekhibhodi emhlanganweni, obhekene nokucindezela okhiye. Kufaka phakathi i-substrate, izinkinobho, ne-microcircuit enezixhumanisi.

Spare part → Main keypad → English keypad

Keypad in assembly

Buy I original English ikhibhodi umhlangano ebhodini, element inzwa, futhi isithwebuli zeminwe for BlackBerry KEYone
Lokhu unamathele ebhodini substrate kuhlanganisa element inzwa, isithwebuli zeminwe. BlackBerry production.

Spare part → Main keypad → Russian keypad

Buy Ikhibhodi yaseRussia yeBlackBerry KEYone (ukuqoshwa)
Ikhibhodi kuphela, ngaphandle kwe-chip kanye ne-Spacebar. Izincwadi zesiRashiya zenziwe ngopende oluphuzi.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit

Of sensors

Buy Microcircuit ukusondela izinzwa nokukhanya, LED nge-microphone eyengeziwe ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
Ukuhlanganisa chip ku BlackBerry KEYone. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Motherboard

Buy Umbadlana ngoba BlackBerry KEYone
The main isici BlackBerry KEYone smartphone. Inguqulo-32 GB, 3 GB RAM, eyodwa SIM. Lona umbadlana yokuqala, BlackBerry ukukhiqizwa, kungaba zisuswe nge entsha noma used-mshini. Thina isiqiniseko ukusebenza yonke imisebenzi, kanye namasevisi BlackBerry, kuhlanganise BIS.


Ithuluzi Set (10 PC.) Ukuze disassembly nokulungisa Smartphones, Black, blue I-adaptha kit Micro- kanye Nano- SIM-cards, NOOSY, black, 3 PC. Babelibiza microfibre indwangu ukuze bahlanze Smartphone Experts Microfiber Cleaning Cloth for eliphezulu BlackBerry, blue I original inalidi for Slots kokuvula SIM-khadi amakhadi, Metallic, soHlobo 1 umswakama inkomba, 4x3 mm, 10 nama-PC, white