Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry KEYone
Izikrini, izikhibhodi, izivikeli zesikrini, izembozo, amashaja nezinye izesekeli kanye nezingxenye ezisele zeBlackBerry KEYone
I-BlackBerry KEYone (eyaziwa ngaphansi kwegama lekhodi Mercury) i-— iyi-smartphone ehlanganisa isipiliyoni se-RIM ku-BlackBerry ekwakheni, ukuphepha noku-ergonomics. Yingakho i-KEYone ilinganiswe kahle ngabasebenzisi.
Ukuhlomisa i-smartphone yakho ngezesekeli eziwusizo, bhekisa kwimikhiqizo kuleli khasi, futhi uzothola konke okudingayo. Sihamba nayo yonke imikhiqizo enezithombe "zangempela" nezincazelo ezifundisayo.
Ngaphandle kwezesekeli, sinikeza zonke izingxenye zokungcebeleka ze-BlackBerry KEYone Mercury, njengezikrini nokuthinta izikrini, izikhibhodi, amabhodi wamabhodi, izembozo zebhethri, amabhethri (amandla amabhethri). Izingxenye zangempela, siye sazimisela njengomthengisi onokwethenjelwa emhlabeni wonke, kuhlanganise namazwe aseMelika, eYurophu, e-Indonesia nase-Australia.
Okufanele ubheke:
- I-BlackBerry KEYone inesibuko esikhulu, ngokuvikelwa esincoma ukuthi sinamathele ifilimu evikelayo, futhi uthenge icala elithembekile
- Ibhethri enekhono idinga ishaja ephezulu yamanje, i-— yonke ethunyelwe kuleli khasi ukuhlangabezana nale mfuneko.
- Faka esikhundleni i-BlackBerry KEYone ikhibhodi ngesiRashiya, futhi uzokwandisa kakhulu ukusebenza kahle kwedivaysi
- Ukuze kulungiswe kunzima kakhulu, ungathenga i-motherboard ye-smartphone KEYone
Awukwazi kuphela ukuthenga izingxenye zokungcebeleka ze-BlackBerry KEYone, kodwa futhi uthole amasevisi wokulungisa i-BlackBerry KEYone esikhungweni sethu sesevisi esikhethekile. Futhi uma udinga usizo nge-smartphone entsha, dlulisa oxhumana nabo, faka izinhlelo zokusebenza, usethe i-imeyili —, thintana neBlackBerry yokusetha izinsizakalo .
Jabulela ikhathalogu nokuzuza okuphumelelayo!
Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry KEYone
Special offers
Packaging / box
↑$10 |
Protective sticker
(hide)For screen
↑$12 |
Protective sticker → For screen → Protective tempered glass
↑$8 |
$8 |
Case and its accessories
(hide)Horizontal filp case
Case and its accessories → Snap-on case
↑$25 |
Memory card
(show)Charger and its accessories
(show)Headset and its accessories
(show)Media device
(show)Cable, adapter or switch
(show)Spare part
(hide)USB connector
↑$15 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts
Housing parts
↑Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Top-cover
↑$23 |
$26 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Camera panel
↑$9 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Middle part
↑$46 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Snap or mount
↑$1 |
Spare part → Audiojack
↑$7 |
Spare part → Camera
↑$13 |
$89 |
Spare part → Substrate or keypad PCB
Substrate only
↑$22 |
Spare part → Screen in assembly
↑$126 |
Spare part → Vibro motor
↑$9 |
Spare part → SIM-card holder
Spare part → Screen (Display)
↑$88 |
Spare part → Main keypad
Main keypad PCB
↑$68 |
Spare part → Main keypad → English keypad
Keypad in assembly
↑$68 |
Spare part → Main keypad → Russian keypad
↑$71 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit
Of sensors
↑$29 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Motherboard
↑$127 |