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Motherboard for BlackBerry 9000 Bold

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Motherboard for BlackBerry 9000 Bold
Original motherboard production BlackBerry. We guarantee the performance of all functions, as well as services BlackBerry, including the BIS.

BlackBerry 9000 Bold — legendary smartphone with an unbeatable design. That is why, despite the technical obsolescence of the model, the device is still in demand, as well as their repair.

However, in some cases, repair smartphone BlackBerry Bold does not lead to the desired result. This is possible in contact with the liquid, damaged power controller unoriginal chargers, mechanical action. Possible symptoms — phone or do not "wake up" or red LED (LED-lamp). If you restore smartphone fails, the motherboard needs to be replaced.

Motherboard BlackBerry 9000 is the basic and most costly element. That it is also a computer center, and an integrating element — it is a printed circuit board with mounted CPU and GPU, RAM and Flash-memory controller power modules and chip GSM / 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, safely hidden under Compound. All of these components can not be replaced, and the only solution is to repair Replacing the motherboard.

In addition to the above, the motherboard BlackBerry Bold 9000 includes elements of:

This is the original motherboard production BlackBerry, can be removed with a new or used-machine. We guarantee the performance of all functions, as well as services BlackBerry, including the BIS.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $81  $6
Product code: 9000MBOARD (PCB-13902-005)

Motherboard for BlackBerry 9000 Bold

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9000