The chip with the substrate keyboard for BlackBerry 9105 Pearl 3G
If you have problems with the keyboard BlackBerry 9105 is often way out is to replace its chips because it is responsible for generating the button click event. If the unit gets wet, some of the buttons do not work, duplicated, or are not working as it should — you need a replacement of this chip. About this repair parts in our service center: Replacing the keyboard substrate (chip keyboard).
This is the original part of the body: the same chip set on the keyboard when you build your smartphone. On this page is presented only for the keyboard chip 9105 with a specific arrangement of buttons. If you need the keyboard for the 9100 chip, see page: The chip with the substrate keyboard for BlackBerry 9100 Pearl 3G.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic, metal or metal alloy
- Product type: Spare part → Main keypad → Main keypad PCB
Product code: 9105KEYBPCB
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: