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USB-connector (Charger Connector) T14 for BlackBerry

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USB-connector (Charger Connector) T14 for BlackBerry
This is the original connector for charger and USB-cable for BlackBerry Passport. It allows you to connect HDMI-device and device interfaces with other technology SlimPort.

USB-connector (Charger Connector) for BlackBerry Passport, type MicroUSB.

This is the original connector for charger and USB-cable, used respectively for charging or syncing with a PC. Passport a unique USB-connector, allowing you to connect HDMI-device and device interfaces with other technology SlimPort. The connector has no contact legs 5 and 12.

Since the USB-connector is used most frequently, it is physically worn through 1-4 years (depending on various factors) and requires replacement. Despite the fact that the terminal T14 has a robust mounting feet wide, it is the weakest BlackBerry Passport. See additional information on page Replacing the USB-connector.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $25
Product code: USBCON-T14

USB-connector (Charger Connector) T14 for BlackBerry

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition SQW100-4
  • BlackBerry Passport