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Repair BlackBerry PlayBook

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NFC antenna for BlackBerry PlayBook The antenna for the BlackBerry PlayBook 3G / 4G, Without color, black cable Audio chip for the left speaker to the microphone for BlackBerry PlayBook, No color for WIFI-version SIM-card holder for the BlackBerry PlayBook 3G / 4G, The black Logo metal back cover for BlackBerry PlayBook Original battery RU1-RU3 for BlackBerry PlayBook, Black, for 3G / 4G-version

All parts for the PlayBook BlackBerry .

Specialized service center for repair in Moscow BlackBerry

Repair BlackBerry PlayBook WiFi, PalyBook 3G, PlayBook LTE — quality. All parts in stock, new and used (cheaper) qualified.

InfoResheniya company engaged in all kinds of repair PlayBook: screen replacement, replacement of touch screen, back cover, battery, resolution of problems with the software.

BlackBerry Repiar services worldwide delivery

Even if you are far from our service center in Moscow, Russia, — you can get all the services on BlackBerry repair via mail-in worldwide delivery. Screen and touchscreen replacement, keypad and camera repair and replacement, connectors, soldering. Quality services are guaranteed, and that is simple as 1-2-3-4!

International service center on BlackBerry Repairs

If there is no BlackBerry service center you trust in your city — ship the device for repair to Inforesheniya professional service center! More information on Shipping Services page.

Dismantling BlackBerry PlayBook

To disassemble BlackBerry PlayBook, you will need these tools:

  • Screwdriver type T5
  • Plastic tool for detaching parts
  • Tweezers

Buy tools for disassembly of the PlayBook .