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Replacement of the case in an incomplete set (body color)

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Replacement of the case in an incomplete set (body color)

Replacement of the case in an incomplete set (body color)

Replacement of the case in an incomplete assembly generally includes the installation of the rim, Top-cover'a and U-cover'a, battery cover. Typically, fully loaded set original casing and colored in — incomplete.

Perform on-site for 10-30 minutes.

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Price of Replacement of the case in an incomplete set (body color) service for your BlackBerry model

from $11
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Replacement of the case in an incomplete set (body color) in a specialized service center BlackBerry

For some models of BlackBerry smartphones, we can offer the installation of color, or exclusive, buildings. Exclusive housing — an opportunity to make your phone very expressive, stylish, expensive.

Usually colored housings are available in "incomplete complete set," and include, for example:

  • Ring
  • Top-cover
  • Back cover
  • U-cover
  • English keyboard

That is, some elements of the case, for example, the middle part will remain "native".

Exclusive body type different color and material of the body. You can select the appropriate option for you on the page of the accessories for your model of BlackBerry.

Replacement of the case in an incomplete set (body color) smartphones BlackBerry — challenge that our experts perform "on the spot", and you will not have to leave the device for a long time. By upgrading housing, the smartphone can please you for a long time.

Цветной корпус для BlackBerry 9000 BoldЦветной корпус (из двух частей) для BlackBerry 8520/9300 Curve

Цветной корпус для BlackBerry 9800/9810 TorchЭксклюзивный цветной корпус для BlackBerry 9700/9780 Bold

Colored housings can be installed in some models of BlackBerry, such as:

  • BlackBerry 9700/9780 Bold
  • BlackBerry 9000 Bold
  • BlackBerry 8520/9300 Curve

The full list of models and prices see above replacement by using the "price of the service for your model of BlackBerry».